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Friday, October 5, 2012
Logan Rayne Patterson!!! :)
Logan is my baby cousin; she was born a premature baby and developed water in her brain. She had to have several things done at the doctors', I'm sorry I don't know exactly what had to be done but I know that Logan was OK after a while. She had to wear a helmet on her head to make her head shape right because her head wasn't growing in the right shape. Logan had to have a therapist come to her house and help her exercise her muscles and she can now hold her head up and turn herself over and kinda crawl. She is so adorable in her little walker thing that she can walk in. I love Logan Rayne Patterson, she is an awesome cousin and I couldn't think of what life would be like without her. :)
Friday, September 28, 2012
Which chair are YOU in? (random)
Which chair are YOU in? Some of you might answer like this, "What do you mean?" I'm about to tell you. Thos guy, his name is Adrian, he came to preach at revival and he preahes all over the world. He preached about which chair are YOU in one night; he said,"The first chair means that you are a Christian and you do nothing but follow God and you are Christ-like. The second chair means that you are a Christian but you are numb to God, you've gotten used to him and you just go-with-the-flow. The third chair means that you don't know what you are; you don't know if you are a Christian or not. The forth chair means that you are Atheist and don't believe in God at all." so next time you see me wear that shirt you will know what it means and you will be able to tell me which chair YOU are in.
Answer me this: Which chair are YOU in?? comment and tell me your answer. I am sad to say that I am halfway in the second chair and want more than anything to be in the first. Adrian Despres was a football player and when he met his wife, he became a Christian and ever since he has been traveling around the world to speak to teens and adults about God and the Bible. I will never forget the day I met Adrian and heard what he had to say...he stepped on a few of my toes but it was good to hear God's word and hear God speak through Adrian.
God will always be there no matter what!! HE IS THERE!!! You don't have to see him to know that he is there...you just have to believe and have faith. GOD LOVES YOU!!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Blog remix
I want all of you to know that God is always there for you; and so am I. No matter what God is there, he will "never leave you nor forsake you". Deuteronomy 31:6 I hope everyone who reads this is moved and touched by not me, but by God. I hope God comes into your life; God WILL forgive you if you jst ask him. I promise.
Are YOU a servant? Many of you might answer this question like this: "No, I'm not because I don't wait around on people." Well let me tell you that I am a servant and very proud to be one because I am a servant for God! John 13:16 says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him." This means that one who serves is equal to one who doesn't; everyone is created equal.The bible also says that God came to earth to serve not to be served. So now how will you answer the question: Are YOU a servant?
2 Corenthians 4:5 says, "For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake".God wants us all to be his servants and spread his word to others; Hebrews 3:14 says,"For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end". We should ALL be talking about God to others; our friends,co-workers,neighbors,parents, siblings, and even people we don't know. The bible says that you should love others as you do yourself; Deuteronomy 6:5 says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might". The bible also says that you should "Love your neighbor, yourself, and your lord"; God created everyone in his own image and you are supposed to love everyone as he loves you and everyone in the world.
So will you be a servant for God and spread his word around the world so everyone can know him? Ask yourself, "Do I want to sit on my butt and let lost people stay lost or do I want to save a life?" Think about it.
This song has inspired me in so many different ways; The words "Well, forgive me, forgive me..." helps me to remember that our God forgives us as long as we ask and stay loyal to him and follow him. This song has inspired me to encourage other people to follow God and know that he has forgiven them; it has also allowed me to see things in my life a different way instead of a negative way but I'm not going to lie but I still sometimes look at my life negatively and I should not do that.
The first time I heard this song,Strong Enough by Matthew West, God spoke to me and ever since I have been trying hard to focus on him and what he wants me to do with my life. I love God and love to learn as much as I can about him. The reason why I love to learn about God is because he is the one who saved my life from me; from me screwing my life up and he can do the same for you if you just let him. Prayer is also a powerful thing if you ever need God he is there and all you have to do is pray; most people think that praying is scary and has to be done a certain way but that's not true. Praying is simple it's just a conversation between you and God and people also think that it doesn't help, I am guilty of that, but it really does help; it's powerful! I wouldn't lie to you; so if you ever need any advice for anything about God then I'm your girl, and even if I don't know the answer then I will find out.
Another of my favorite songs is called, Without You. This song talks about how you can't do anything without God; as long as he is here with you.This song is important to me because it is saying that you can do ANYTHING as long as God is there with you. It is also saying how you can call out to him and he WILL be there and that you want him to talk louder so you can hear him better. You know how the little voice in the back of your head tells you the right thing to do but the really LOUD voice in your head is saying the wrong thing. For example: you were told not to call anybody and the little voice is saying," Don't do it; do what your parents said.", the BIG voice is shouting, "CALL YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!!". See what mean? Do you get it? Well, this is a special song to me because when I first heard it was at youth camp and I was ready to give up then so this song inspired me to not give up; to keep trying. I encourage you to also NEVER give up!!
Don't listen to Satan; listen to God.God knows what he's doing I promise; from experience I know for a fact that he knows what he is doing. God only wants what's best for you and wants you to know that he loves you unconditionally!! GOD LOVES YOU!!!
Are YOU a servant? Many of you might answer this question like this: "No, I'm not because I don't wait around on people." Well let me tell you that I am a servant and very proud to be one because I am a servant for God! John 13:16 says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him." This means that one who serves is equal to one who doesn't; everyone is created equal.The bible also says that God came to earth to serve not to be served. So now how will you answer the question: Are YOU a servant?
2 Corenthians 4:5 says, "For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake".God wants us all to be his servants and spread his word to others; Hebrews 3:14 says,"For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end". We should ALL be talking about God to others; our friends,co-workers,neighbors,parents, siblings, and even people we don't know. The bible says that you should love others as you do yourself; Deuteronomy 6:5 says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might". The bible also says that you should "Love your neighbor, yourself, and your lord"; God created everyone in his own image and you are supposed to love everyone as he loves you and everyone in the world.
So will you be a servant for God and spread his word around the world so everyone can know him? Ask yourself, "Do I want to sit on my butt and let lost people stay lost or do I want to save a life?" Think about it.
This song has inspired me in so many different ways; The words "Well, forgive me, forgive me..." helps me to remember that our God forgives us as long as we ask and stay loyal to him and follow him. This song has inspired me to encourage other people to follow God and know that he has forgiven them; it has also allowed me to see things in my life a different way instead of a negative way but I'm not going to lie but I still sometimes look at my life negatively and I should not do that.
The first time I heard this song,Strong Enough by Matthew West, God spoke to me and ever since I have been trying hard to focus on him and what he wants me to do with my life. I love God and love to learn as much as I can about him. The reason why I love to learn about God is because he is the one who saved my life from me; from me screwing my life up and he can do the same for you if you just let him. Prayer is also a powerful thing if you ever need God he is there and all you have to do is pray; most people think that praying is scary and has to be done a certain way but that's not true. Praying is simple it's just a conversation between you and God and people also think that it doesn't help, I am guilty of that, but it really does help; it's powerful! I wouldn't lie to you; so if you ever need any advice for anything about God then I'm your girl, and even if I don't know the answer then I will find out.
Another of my favorite songs is called, Without You. This song talks about how you can't do anything without God; as long as he is here with you.This song is important to me because it is saying that you can do ANYTHING as long as God is there with you. It is also saying how you can call out to him and he WILL be there and that you want him to talk louder so you can hear him better. You know how the little voice in the back of your head tells you the right thing to do but the really LOUD voice in your head is saying the wrong thing. For example: you were told not to call anybody and the little voice is saying," Don't do it; do what your parents said.", the BIG voice is shouting, "CALL YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!!". See what mean? Do you get it? Well, this is a special song to me because when I first heard it was at youth camp and I was ready to give up then so this song inspired me to not give up; to keep trying. I encourage you to also NEVER give up!!
Don't listen to Satan; listen to God.God knows what he's doing I promise; from experience I know for a fact that he knows what he is doing. God only wants what's best for you and wants you to know that he loves you unconditionally!! GOD LOVES YOU!!!
The Purpose of Christmas by: Rick Warren
"Why is Christmas such a big deal? If you stop to think about it, it is astounding that the simple, unassuming birth of a peasant baby boy more than two thousand years ago in the Middle East can today cause traffic jams every December in places like New York City, Tokyo, And Rio de janereiro. The night Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, a small group of poor shepherds were quietly tending their flocks of sheep in a nearby field, looking up at the stars. Nothing seemed any different from a thousand other nights. But what was about to happen would transform not only their lives but billions of other lives as well. The world would never be the same again.Regardless of your religious background, you need to know how the three purposes of Christmas solve your three greatest needs. Understanding and receiving God's Christmas gifts to you will transform your life...forever! " (on the back of the book)I know it isn't even Christmas yet but this is something I want to talk to you about. So, why IS Christmas such a big deal? Is it because of the gifts? Is it the food? Or is it the fun? Well, Rick Warren says otherwise; Christmas isn't about ANY of those things, it is about Jesus Christ being born and saving our lives. If all Christmas is to you is just presents, and candy, and food, and fun then you need to get your life straight with God; Christmas is the day Jesus, the son of God, was born and the day he came to earth as a HUMAN to save us! Jesus tells us to love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Now, love your neighbor as you do yourself, means that your neighbor isn't necessarily the person who lives beside you but the people all around you, and loving yourself means to love yourself, don't EVER hate yourself for ANY reason. God loves you ALL unconditionally and he created you to spread his word throughout the world. If you hate yourself than you practically hate what God created and that means you hate God which, I don't know about you but is impossible for me to hate God. So, when you ask yourself what the purpose of Christmas is if you can I want you to try to think about Jesus Christ on Christmas.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
My Stalker (random)
I am currently writing a novel and would like to post two chapters so you can read them and hopefully get interested in wanting to read it if I get it published.
The Dream
Chapter 1
Run! Run! I tell myself in my head as he gets closer and closer. My legs are like jello, they shake and wobble. There's a dead end, a brick wall, nowhere to turn and nowhere to hide. He pulls a blade out of his pocket...
"Samantha! Wake up, you're going to be late for school." I jerk upright out of my bed, sweat pouring down my face, my breathe out of control. It was just a dream I tell myself, just a dream. I'm in tenth grade and love to read and write, I don't like any sport, I love to go shopping and I love my family. Me and my mom are really close, like two peas in a pod. I spend time with my dad but we don't have as much in common as me and my mom do. I love to hang out with my best friend, Stacey, and love to hang out with my wonderful boyfriend. I don't have any siblings, it's just me, the only child. I got out of bed and opened my closet, I got out a pair of jeans and my favorite wolf shirt to wear to school. Before I got dressed I went and brushed my teeth, washed my face, ate breakfast, then put my clothes on.
I drove myself to school, when I got there I was early, I'm always early, but what was different about today was that there was a guy sitting in his car in the parking lot dressed in all black staring a hole in me. I immeadiatly think about my dream and lock all my car doors, I opened my dash board and got my pepper spray out just in case. Suddenly, right on time, my boyfriend Josh, pulls up in his black CMC truck and immeadiatly that guy speeds off.
Josh gets out of his car and knocks his knuckle on my window, I unlock that door and ask him, "Did you see that creepy guy all dressed in black that just sped off?"
"Yeah, why?"
"When I got here he was sitting there staring hard at me."
"Are you OK? Did he try to hurt you?"
"Yes I'm fine, he didn't try to hurt me, thank goodness. It just freaked me out that's all."
Josh bent down and hugged me, then gently but sweetly, kissed me.
"Do you want to go out to eat after school at Burger King?" Josh asked me.
"Yeah, sounds great. I'll text my parents after school and let them know."
"OK.Why don't you take your car home while I follow behind you and you ride with me?"
"Yeah. That's a great idea!"
Everybody is starting to get here, so I got out of my car and grabbed my books, then I walked to my first class. When I got to my desk and sat down, I was thinking the entire school day about my dream and that gut this morning.
My day out with Josh
Chapter 2
It's the middle of December, I froze all night long. When I woke up, (I had that same dream again), I looked out the window and the ground was covered in snow. Today is Saturday, I am going to spend all day with Josh today. My parents were still in bed asleep, I didn't wake them because I was going to let them sleep in since they both didn't have to work today, they already know where I'm going so that's all good. I made them breakfast and put it in the microwave, I got a sticky note and wrote:
Mom, Dad
I made you breakfast, it's in the microwave.
I love you both and will be back tonight.
Stay safe.
I put that on the counter and ate breakfast myself, I was already dressed and was waiting for Josh's horn. When I heard him, I grabbed my brown furry jacket and locked the door behind me. I ran to his car to get out of the cold.
"It's so warm in here!" I said.
"I got it nice and warm just for you."
"Awww! Thanks! I love you."
"I love you now and always."
We sat there for what seemed like forever, but was only an hour fifteen minutes, staring each other in the eyes having a conversation without speaking. He drove us to the mall to just walk around and look at things for Christmas, I spotted a nice red sweater I could get my mom.
"Wait! I see something." I said as I grabbed Josh's arm and pulled him inside a store.
"I'm going to get this for my mom! She'll love it!"
I pulled out my wallet, grabbed the sweater, and went to the counter to pay for it.
The lady put the sweater in a bag for me and I said, "Thank you." , she said, " Your welcome, have a nice day."
Me and Josh held hands and continued walking through the mall. As we were walking my stomach growled, Josh quickly spots a Chik-fil-a and pulls me in to get me something else to eat, I ordered a chicken sandwich with fries and a sprite, Josh ordered a spicy chicken sandwich with fries and a coke. After we ordered, we sat down at a two person table, there was nobody there but us. When we were almost done eating, I looked to my right to see that there was that same guy from that one day at school, he was sitting at a one person table not eating anything.
I got up and said, "Let's go Josh, I have other things I want to get."
We threw our trash away and walked till I saw some good socks, P.j.'s, and a robe for my maw-maw. We payed for all that, and as we continued to walk I saw some jeans, a T-shirt, and cologne for my dad.
Me and Josh got in his warm car and drove off. I was relieved to be in the car with Josh and away from that guy, his new name is: The stalker.
There is the first two chapters of my first book that I want to try to get published and copied for EVERYBODY to read. Let me know what you think about these first two chapters please.
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The Spiderwick Chronicles: Book 1-The field Guide (I read)
I love The Spiderwick Chronicles books; I have all five of them and this first one is about how Mallory, Jared, and Simon and their mom move to a different home and have to adjust to the living environment. Jared has been getting into fights at school because his dad left and he couldn't take it; the entire family was broken from him leaving. Soon they heard a scratching noise inside the wall and they found a dumbwaiter in the wall used for sending up food to someone, Jared was small enough to fit inside so he got inside it then up and up he went. Mallory was the one who was pulling the rope and making it move upward; Once he made it up to the top he saw a room and went inside, what he saw astounded him. There was a desk with a book open with a piece of paper laying on top of it wide open. The note said,"In a man's torso you will find, my secret to all mankind. If false and true can be the same, you will soon know of my fame. Up and up and up again, good luck dear friend". When he was about to leave the room he turned around and saw a message written in the dust on the desk that wasn't there before it said, "Click, clack watch your back".
I will be talking about all the books individually so you can know what each one is about.
"When the Grace children go to stay at their great aunt Lucinda's worn Victorian house, they discover a field guide to fairies and other creatures and begin to have some unusual experiences."
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Book 1:The Field Guide. |
Friday, September 14, 2012
Civics/Economics:For our beloved Megan Hibberts
Well, Civics has been doing alright but it just isn't the same without Mrs.Hibberts. I have heard people say since 9th grade, "I hate Mrs.Hibberts! She's mean!", well the people who said those mean things about her really needs to apologize to her and tell her how much we appreciate her. She is now having to be in the hospital and we don't know what is going to happen; weather she is going to be OK, or not. And it scares me to think that I might lose another amazing teacher. Mrs.Hibberts only sounds mean because people don't listen to her, I listen to her and she is a great teacher and friend if you do like you're supposed to. She has done A LOT for us and we need to let her know how much we appreciate her and everything she does for us; she doesn't have to print out easy-to-take notes for us, she doesn't have to make Civics easy for us, she CAN make it harder if she needs to. We ALL need to see the great person that Mrs.Hibberts is.
3.) She makes us laugh and enjoys having fun with us. (IF we are good!)
4.) She loves to go on field trips with us.
Mrs.Hibberts is the best civics teacher I know. There is no words to describe the way I love her and she couldn't be any more awesome.
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Mrs.Hibberts, I miss you! |
There are so many different things that I love about Mrs.Hibberts;
1.) She cares about us.
2.) She helps in any way that she can.3.) She makes us laugh and enjoys having fun with us. (IF we are good!)
4.) She loves to go on field trips with us.
Mrs.Hibberts is the best civics teacher I know. There is no words to describe the way I love her and she couldn't be any more awesome.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
The purpose of Christmas! (I read)
The Purpose of Christmas by: Rick Warren
"Why is Christmas such a big deal? If you stop to think about it, it is astounding that the simple, unassuming birth of a peasant baby boy more than two thousand years ago in the Middle East can today cause traffic jams every December in places like New York City, Tokyo, And Rio de janereiro. The night Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, a small group of poor shepherds were quietly tending their flocks of sheep in a nearby field, looking up at the stars. Nothing seemed any different from a thousand other nights. But what was about to happen would transform not only their lives but billions of other lives as well. The world would never be the same again.Regardless of your religious background, you need to know how the three purposes of Christmas solve your three greatest needs. Understanding and receiving God's Christmas gifts to you will transform your life...forever! " (on the back of the book)I know it isn't even Christmas yet but this is something I want to talk to you about. So, why IS Christmas such a big deal? Is it because of the gifts? Is it the food? Or is it the fun? Well, Rick Warren says otherwise; Christmas isn't about ANY of those things, it is about Jesus Christ being born and saving our lives. If all Christmas is to you is just presents, and candy, and food, and fun then you need to get your life straight with God; Christmas is the day Jesus, the son of God, was born and the day he came to earth as a HUMAN to save us! Jesus tells us to love God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Now, love your neighbor as you do yourself, means that your neighbor isn't necessarily the person who lives beside you but the people all around you, and loving yourself means to love yourself, don't EVER hate yourself for ANY reason. God loves you ALL unconditionally and he created you to spread his word throughout the world. If you hate yourself than you practically hate what God created and that means you hate God which, I don't know about you but is impossible for me to hate God. So, when you ask yourself what the purpose of Christmas is if you can I want you to try to think about Jesus Christ on Christmas.
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This is the book and I have it at home. |
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
9/11...A poem (we read)
On all four sides of each void, waterfalls descend into a broad reflecting pool, irrisistably drawing your eyes, and your thoughts, ever downward.
Dark voids express a sense of loss and grief.
If there's one lesson it offers, it's that there's more than one way to soar. Saw in those walls a raw memento of that bitter day and a symbol of the strength of the city and nation.
This article represents the 9/11 memorial because it is describing the things that happened at the world trade center and the pentagon. It also describes how everything looked and smelled when the airplanes hit and the towers collapsed. This tells of how the memorial went and how it was set up. 9/11 was the most devastating times in history; this article is telling how 9/11 devastated thousands of people.
Envision them surrounded by a street-level plaza linked to the surrounding neighborhood. Exposed foundation pit of the towers, a 70-ft.-deep concrete "bathtub" scorched by the fires of the attack, might be kept open.
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9/11 memorial; NEVER forget!! |
Monday, September 10, 2012
Without You (random)
Another of my favorite songs is called, Without You. This song talks about how you can't do anything without God; as long as he is here with you, you are fine. Here are some of the lyrics to it:
Without you
"I can walk, through the storm, I can walk by faith when my sight is gone.
Just as long as you are here with me. And I can gain everything but what do I have if I don't have the king?
Oh, I need to know you're here with me. Here I am calling out Father. Can you hear me, can you hear me? I don't want to go without you. Here I am can you talk a little louder? So I can hear you, I want to hear you. I don't want to move without you. Even though I believe you've taken up a home inside me. And you'll never leave, I still need to know you're here with me.
If your presence goes, I don't wanna stay. If your presence stays, I don't wanna go..."
This song is important to me because it is saying that you can do ANYTHING as long as God is there with you. It is also saying how you can call out to him and he WILL be there and that you want him to talk louder so you can hear him better. You know how the little voice in the back of your head tells you the right thing to do but the really LOUD voice in your head is saying the wrong thing. For example: you were told not to call anybody and the little voice is saying," Don't do it; do what your parents said.", the BIG voice is shouting, "CALL YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!!". See what mean? Do you get it? Well, this is a special song to me because when I first heard it was at youth camp and I was ready to give up then so this song inspired me to not give up; to keep trying. I encourage you to also NEVER give up!!
Don't listen to Satan; listen to God.God knows what he's doing I promise; from experience I know for a fact that he knows what he is doing. God only wants what's best for you and wants you to know that he loves you unconditionally!! GOD LOVES YOU!!!
Without you
"I can walk, through the storm, I can walk by faith when my sight is gone.
Just as long as you are here with me. And I can gain everything but what do I have if I don't have the king?
Oh, I need to know you're here with me. Here I am calling out Father. Can you hear me, can you hear me? I don't want to go without you. Here I am can you talk a little louder? So I can hear you, I want to hear you. I don't want to move without you. Even though I believe you've taken up a home inside me. And you'll never leave, I still need to know you're here with me.
If your presence goes, I don't wanna stay. If your presence stays, I don't wanna go..."
This song is important to me because it is saying that you can do ANYTHING as long as God is there with you. It is also saying how you can call out to him and he WILL be there and that you want him to talk louder so you can hear him better. You know how the little voice in the back of your head tells you the right thing to do but the really LOUD voice in your head is saying the wrong thing. For example: you were told not to call anybody and the little voice is saying," Don't do it; do what your parents said.", the BIG voice is shouting, "CALL YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!!". See what mean? Do you get it? Well, this is a special song to me because when I first heard it was at youth camp and I was ready to give up then so this song inspired me to not give up; to keep trying. I encourage you to also NEVER give up!!
Don't listen to Satan; listen to God.God knows what he's doing I promise; from experience I know for a fact that he knows what he is doing. God only wants what's best for you and wants you to know that he loves you unconditionally!! GOD LOVES YOU!!!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Procrastination! (what we read)
This article is about how people can learn to procrastinate the right way; people have been told for a long time that procrastinating is a bad thing but it really isn't if you do it right. We must learn to manage delay the right way; sometimes life SEEMS to happen at the speed of light but your decisions don't need to. We need to wait till the last possible minute to do what we need to do. We have been told our whole lives that procrastination is a bad thing but this article talks about how it is good for you if you do it right. There are two types of procrastination: active and passive procrastination. Active procrastination means you realize that you are unduly delaying mowing the lawn or cleaning your closet, but you are doing something that is more valuable instead. Passive procrastination is just sitting around on your sofa not doing anything. That clearly is a problem.
So next time you think about procrastinating do it the right way and you will see that it isn't that bad if your good at it.
Procrastinating is OK if you do it right. |
Friday, September 7, 2012
Hunger Games!!! ( I read)
The Hunger Games is the absolute best book I have EVER read! Even better than Twilight and I used to be a Twilight fanatic!! But now I am a Hunger Games fanatic; I love the Hunger games!!
The Hunger Games is the fight for survival and freedom; you either enter the games or you die of starvation or of the capital. The location where Katniss Everdeen lives is North America in the future and this is what's happening to our world. Katniss and her little sister,Prim, entered into the games but when they said Prims name Katniss took her place because she didn't want Prim to go and die in the games.
Peeta has known Katniss since they were little kids and they met over a piece of bread. Peeta also had to be in the games and while they were in the games they became allies. They become so close that they kiss and become boyfriend and girlfriend.
The Hunger Games is the fight for survival and freedom; you either enter the games or you die of starvation or of the capital. The location where Katniss Everdeen lives is North America in the future and this is what's happening to our world. Katniss and her little sister,Prim, entered into the games but when they said Prims name Katniss took her place because she didn't want Prim to go and die in the games.
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Katniss Everdeen!! |
Thursday, September 6, 2012
What's happening in Public Speaking?
Well, Public Speaking...where do I begin? Public Speaking is NOT my thing. I hate to speak in front of a bunch of people and I get so nervous I forget what I'm supposed to be saying. Mr.Paul is a great teacher but I just hate even the thought of Public Speaking. We actually have to memorize 2 minutes of a speach from a famous American and say it today!! (9-5-12) I am very scared but I am going to try really hard to do a great job on it. Well, my speech actually was crappy and I embarresed myself in front of the entire class! As soon as I walked up to the front of the class all of my speech except for the first two sentences left my brain; when I got to the third sentence I said, "Um...umm" and forgot it.
I am going to try hard to not get so scared and nervous when I do speeches because it does nothing but make me forget what I am going to say. If anyone has any tips for me, please let me know.
I am going to try hard to not get so scared and nervous when I do speeches because it does nothing but make me forget what I am going to say. If anyone has any tips for me, please let me know.
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Public speaking is scary but you can do it!! |
When I am in public speaking and we have to do a speech like the Famous American speech, I get butterflies in my stomach, my heart pounds, and my hands shake. I wonder why people like me get so scared when we even hear the words public speaking? But we are only human so I guess it kinda makes sense that we automatically get scared. I believe that if we try really hard and just focus on what we are saying then we won't get so frightened. I did horrible AGAIN!!! I ended up embarrassing myself again and messing up.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Strong Enough: Matthew West
My favorite song that I could listen to every single day would have to be Strong Enough by Matthew West because it is a christian song and I love the words in it. Here is a little of the song if you want to look it up and listen to it:
Strong Enough by Matthew West
"You must, you must think I'm strong to give me what I'm going through. Well, forgive me, forgive me if I'm wrong but this looks like more than I can do...on my own! I know I'm not strong enough to be everything that I'm supposed to be I give up, I'm not strong enough. Hands of mercy won't you cover me, lord right now I'm asking you to be strong enough, strong enough for the both of us! Yea!
Well, maybe, maybe that's the point, to reach the point of giving up. Cause I'm finally, finally at rock bottom well that's when I start looking up and reaching out!..."
There is more to this awesome song if you want to hear it or look up the lyrics just go on Google to look it up. This song has inspired me in so many different ways; The words "Well, forgive me, forgive me..." helps me to remember that our God forgives us as long as we ask and stay loyal to him and follow him. This song has inspired me to encourage other people to follow God and know that he has forgiven them; it has also allowed me to see things in my life a different way instead of a negative way but I'm not going to lie but I still sometimes look at my life negatively and I should not do that.
The first time I heard this song God spoke to me and ever since I have been trying hard to focus on him and what he wants me to do with my life. I love God and love to learn as much as I can about him. The reason why I love to learn about God is because he is the one who saved my life from me; from me screwing my life up and he can do the same for you if you just let him. Prayer is also a powerful thing if you ever need God he is there and all you have to do is pray; most people think that praying is scary and has to be done a certain way but that's not true. Praying is simple it's just a conversation between you and God and people also think that it doesn't help, I am guilty of that, but it really does help; it's powerful! I wouldn't lie to you; so if you ever need any advice for anything about God then I'm your girl, and even if I don't know the answer then I will find out.
Strong Enough by Matthew West
"You must, you must think I'm strong to give me what I'm going through. Well, forgive me, forgive me if I'm wrong but this looks like more than I can do...on my own! I know I'm not strong enough to be everything that I'm supposed to be I give up, I'm not strong enough. Hands of mercy won't you cover me, lord right now I'm asking you to be strong enough, strong enough for the both of us! Yea!
Well, maybe, maybe that's the point, to reach the point of giving up. Cause I'm finally, finally at rock bottom well that's when I start looking up and reaching out!..."
There is more to this awesome song if you want to hear it or look up the lyrics just go on Google to look it up. This song has inspired me in so many different ways; The words "Well, forgive me, forgive me..." helps me to remember that our God forgives us as long as we ask and stay loyal to him and follow him. This song has inspired me to encourage other people to follow God and know that he has forgiven them; it has also allowed me to see things in my life a different way instead of a negative way but I'm not going to lie but I still sometimes look at my life negatively and I should not do that.
The first time I heard this song God spoke to me and ever since I have been trying hard to focus on him and what he wants me to do with my life. I love God and love to learn as much as I can about him. The reason why I love to learn about God is because he is the one who saved my life from me; from me screwing my life up and he can do the same for you if you just let him. Prayer is also a powerful thing if you ever need God he is there and all you have to do is pray; most people think that praying is scary and has to be done a certain way but that's not true. Praying is simple it's just a conversation between you and God and people also think that it doesn't help, I am guilty of that, but it really does help; it's powerful! I wouldn't lie to you; so if you ever need any advice for anything about God then I'm your girl, and even if I don't know the answer then I will find out.
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This is Matthew Wests' album for Strong Enough; I have this album on my ipod. |
Friday, August 31, 2012
What is happening in Civis/Economics? (something in class)
We had a vocabulary quiz on Thursday this week and I actually passed it!! I only missed two questions! I am very excited about that because I hate civics and I am not very good at it either. We also had a test this week or last week and I failed it but made corrections on it, and that hopefully helped me out! Civis just isn't my thing, I prefer English, Math, and science over History and Civics any day. I believe that I won't ever take Civics again but I don't really know what else I could say about Civics except that Mrs.Hibberts is a great teacher.
A dark brown dog. (something we read)
A Dark-brown Dog is about this boy who was standing next to a fence post when all of a sudden a brown dog comes and the boy calls him over to him and then the dog comes up to him. The dog wags his tail and the pats him, all of a sudden the dog acts like he is about to overturn the boy so the boy hits the dog. He sank down to the child's feet, his heart was hurt because he had hit him on the head. The dog then turned over onto his back and put his paws up in the air and looked as if he was praying; the child was amused by this so he patted him repeatedly to make him keep doing that. The dog thought he had committed some horrible crime so he wiggled to show his repentance then the boy grew weary of this and turned toward home. The dog got onto his feet and went after the child; the child then beat the dog with a small stick he found. The dog laid down and prayed until the child finished and resumed his journey, he then got back up and started following him again. On the way home the boy turned around many times and beat the dog and the dog felt guilty but continued to follow the child.
When the boy got to his doorstep the dog was walking slowly a few yards away from him and he became so agitated with shame that he forgot about his rope and tripped over it. The dog preformed a few tricks and the child grew fond of him and grabbed the rope and dragged the dog down the hall and up many stairs and in a dark place. The dog tried hard to go up the stairs but couldn't even hobble because the child had beaten him so badly; they had a little battle on the stairs. The child won the battle on the stairs and drug the small helpless dog to his home. The dog finally became a member of the household; the family ended up abusing the poor dog and the child would defend him but they only did it when the child wasn't around so they wouldn't hit the boy.
When the boy got to his doorstep the dog was walking slowly a few yards away from him and he became so agitated with shame that he forgot about his rope and tripped over it. The dog preformed a few tricks and the child grew fond of him and grabbed the rope and dragged the dog down the hall and up many stairs and in a dark place. The dog tried hard to go up the stairs but couldn't even hobble because the child had beaten him so badly; they had a little battle on the stairs. The child won the battle on the stairs and drug the small helpless dog to his home. The dog finally became a member of the household; the family ended up abusing the poor dog and the child would defend him but they only did it when the child wasn't around so they wouldn't hit the boy.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Diary of a Wimpy Kid!! (something I read)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid is a comical and hilarious book about Greg Heffley and his silly life in Middle school. Greg always gets picked on by his classmates and bullied by older kids; Greg has an older brother named Rodrick and a younger brother named Manny. Rodrick is all the time picking on Greg and his only friend Rowley. They went trick-or-treating and Greg's mom bought him a pirate costume and she made him take Manny with them and his dad! Greg was furious about that but went anyway; soon Greg's dad took Manny home and Greg and Rowley kept trick-or-treating but when they got to Greg's grandma's house some teenagers in a truck went by and soaked them with a water gun then Greg said,"We're calling the COPS!" then they came back and Greg and Rowley were inside his grandma's house and Greg said,"Well, I guess now that we're safe in our own house you can't get us!" This is the most hilarious book I have ever read, I think you will think so too!!
(Summary from book) "Being a kid can really stink. And no one knows this better than Greg Heffley, who finds himself thrust into middle school, where undersized weaklings share the hallways with kids who are taller,meaner,and already shaving."
(Summary from book) "Being a kid can really stink. And no one knows this better than Greg Heffley, who finds himself thrust into middle school, where undersized weaklings share the hallways with kids who are taller,meaner,and already shaving."
Are YOU a servant? (random post)
Many of you might answer this question like this: "No, I'm not because I don't wait around on people." Well let me tell you that I am a servant and very proud to be one because I am a servant for God! John 13:16 says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him." This means that one who serves is equal to one who doesn't; everyone is created equal.The bible also says that God came to earth to serve not to be served. So now how will you answer the question: Are YOU a servant?
2 Corenthians 4:5 says, "For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake".God wants us all to be his servants and spread his word to others; Hebrews 3:14 says,"For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end". We should ALL be talking about God to others; our friends,co-workers,neighbors,parents, siblings, and even people we don't know. The bible says that you should love others as you do yourself; Deuteronomy 6:5 says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might". The bible also says that you should "Love your neighbor, yourself, and your lord"; God created everyone in his own image and you are supposed to love everyone as he loves you and everyone in the world.
So will you be a servant for God and spread his word around the world so everyone can know him? Ask yourself, "Do I want to sit on my butt and let lost people stay lost or do I want to save a life?" Think about it.
2 Corenthians 4:5 says, "For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake".God wants us all to be his servants and spread his word to others; Hebrews 3:14 says,"For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end". We should ALL be talking about God to others; our friends,co-workers,neighbors,parents, siblings, and even people we don't know. The bible says that you should love others as you do yourself; Deuteronomy 6:5 says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might". The bible also says that you should "Love your neighbor, yourself, and your lord"; God created everyone in his own image and you are supposed to love everyone as he loves you and everyone in the world.
So will you be a servant for God and spread his word around the world so everyone can know him? Ask yourself, "Do I want to sit on my butt and let lost people stay lost or do I want to save a life?" Think about it.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
What is happening in Gaston Early College High school Geometry?
I love my new Geometry class at Gaston Early College High school; I also love my teacher Mrs.Terry. I have recently taken a Geometry quiz and scored an 85 on it and am so excited about learning Geometry with Mrs.Terry. We are currently going over things we have already learned but it helps to start from the beginning of everything. Math hasn't really clicked for me till 8th grade when I had a wonderful math teacher and in Algebra 1 in 9th grade I also had another great teacher who broke everything down for us.
I love to learn about math even though I get frustrated sometimes when I can't figure something out and get angry at it, I just keep going and ask for help. Geometry is going to be fun this year even though I miss the High school and its teachers. I absolutely LOVE to learn new things!
I love to learn about math even though I get frustrated sometimes when I can't figure something out and get angry at it, I just keep going and ask for help. Geometry is going to be fun this year even though I miss the High school and its teachers. I absolutely LOVE to learn new things!
Planet Earth!
I thought that this article was a little crazy but it had a point about people polluting and hurting the earth. People need to stop throwing their trash on the ground and need to start recycling; We need to save the earth not kill it. This article was interesting the way they made the earth talk and talk with an additude to get the readers attention. I really don't know what else to say about this article. It was a little weird but had a great point to it; I can imagine the earth talking and telling the people who litter and pollute,"Stop!! You are killing me! You need to keep me clean!".
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Who Am I?
Hi! My name is Amber Jolly, I am a Christian and the church I attend is First Wesleyan Church of Bessemer City, North Carolina. I live with my mom, my step dad, my grandmaw, my 6-year-old sister, and my 19-year-old cousin.We have many animals and they are: a Doberman pinscher, a ball python, two mini snouzers (I don't know how to spell it), two rabbits, and many fish.
I love animals and I absolutely LOVE reading/writing!! I am a BIG bookworm!! I love English (obviously) and enjoy helping others as much as I can. I love to go to school and hang out with my friends and love my teachers. I also enjoy some Science; I sometimes enjoy Math (It depends), but all all I love to learn!!
I enjoy different types of music and bands such as: Mercy me, Casting Crowns, Evanesence, Adele, and others. I love band and was in Bessemer City Middle school band for 3 years and absolutly miss it but it's worth not being in for Early College. Like everybody in this world, I have been through good and bad times, worked with people in tough situations, and did bad things that I now regret. However, I am doing much better with handling bad situations when they come my way.
Here is a poem that I wrote, I hope you enjoy it and please comment on it.
Can you hear me?
My heart;It belongs to you.
I pray to you and cry to you.
You hear my cries in the cold night air,
speaking to me with the shrieking wind.
You know my past, my present,
and my future.
You understand what I go through;
You help me through thick and thin.
God can you hear me?
I NEED you;Need your love and forgiveness.
I love animals and I absolutely LOVE reading/writing!! I am a BIG bookworm!! I love English (obviously) and enjoy helping others as much as I can. I love to go to school and hang out with my friends and love my teachers. I also enjoy some Science; I sometimes enjoy Math (It depends), but all all I love to learn!!
I enjoy different types of music and bands such as: Mercy me, Casting Crowns, Evanesence, Adele, and others. I love band and was in Bessemer City Middle school band for 3 years and absolutly miss it but it's worth not being in for Early College. Like everybody in this world, I have been through good and bad times, worked with people in tough situations, and did bad things that I now regret. However, I am doing much better with handling bad situations when they come my way.
Here is a poem that I wrote, I hope you enjoy it and please comment on it.
Can you hear me?
My heart;It belongs to you.
I pray to you and cry to you.
You hear my cries in the cold night air,
speaking to me with the shrieking wind.
You know my past, my present,
and my future.
You understand what I go through;
You help me through thick and thin.
God can you hear me?
I NEED you;Need your love and forgiveness.
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