I am currently writing a novel and would like to post two chapters so you can read them and hopefully get interested in wanting to read it if I get it published.
The Dream
Chapter 1
Run! Run! I tell myself in my head as he gets closer and closer. My legs are like jello, they shake and wobble. There's a dead end, a brick wall, nowhere to turn and nowhere to hide. He pulls a blade out of his pocket...
"Samantha! Wake up, you're going to be late for school." I jerk upright out of my bed, sweat pouring down my face, my breathe out of control. It was just a dream I tell myself, just a dream. I'm in tenth grade and love to read and write, I don't like any sport, I love to go shopping and I love my family. Me and my mom are really close, like two peas in a pod. I spend time with my dad but we don't have as much in common as me and my mom do. I love to hang out with my best friend, Stacey, and love to hang out with my wonderful boyfriend. I don't have any siblings, it's just me, the only child. I got out of bed and opened my closet, I got out a pair of jeans and my favorite wolf shirt to wear to school. Before I got dressed I went and brushed my teeth, washed my face, ate breakfast, then put my clothes on.
I drove myself to school, when I got there I was early, I'm always early, but what was different about today was that there was a guy sitting in his car in the parking lot dressed in all black staring a hole in me. I immeadiatly think about my dream and lock all my car doors, I opened my dash board and got my pepper spray out just in case. Suddenly, right on time, my boyfriend Josh, pulls up in his black CMC truck and immeadiatly that guy speeds off.
Josh gets out of his car and knocks his knuckle on my window, I unlock that door and ask him, "Did you see that creepy guy all dressed in black that just sped off?"
"Yeah, why?"
"When I got here he was sitting there staring hard at me."
"Are you OK? Did he try to hurt you?"
"Yes I'm fine, he didn't try to hurt me, thank goodness. It just freaked me out that's all."
Josh bent down and hugged me, then gently but sweetly, kissed me.
"Do you want to go out to eat after school at Burger King?" Josh asked me.
"Yeah, sounds great. I'll text my parents after school and let them know."
"OK.Why don't you take your car home while I follow behind you and you ride with me?"
"Yeah. That's a great idea!"
Everybody is starting to get here, so I got out of my car and grabbed my books, then I walked to my first class. When I got to my desk and sat down, I was thinking the entire school day about my dream and that gut this morning.
My day out with Josh
Chapter 2
It's the middle of December, I froze all night long. When I woke up, (I had that same dream again), I looked out the window and the ground was covered in snow. Today is Saturday, I am going to spend all day with Josh today. My parents were still in bed asleep, I didn't wake them because I was going to let them sleep in since they both didn't have to work today, they already know where I'm going so that's all good. I made them breakfast and put it in the microwave, I got a sticky note and wrote:
Mom, Dad
I made you breakfast, it's in the microwave.
I love you both and will be back tonight.
Stay safe.
I put that on the counter and ate breakfast myself, I was already dressed and was waiting for Josh's horn. When I heard him, I grabbed my brown furry jacket and locked the door behind me. I ran to his car to get out of the cold.
"It's so warm in here!" I said.
"I got it nice and warm just for you."
"Awww! Thanks! I love you."
"I love you now and always."
We sat there for what seemed like forever, but was only an hour fifteen minutes, staring each other in the eyes having a conversation without speaking. He drove us to the mall to just walk around and look at things for Christmas, I spotted a nice red sweater I could get my mom.
"Wait! I see something." I said as I grabbed Josh's arm and pulled him inside a store.
"I'm going to get this for my mom! She'll love it!"
I pulled out my wallet, grabbed the sweater, and went to the counter to pay for it.
The lady put the sweater in a bag for me and I said, "Thank you." , she said, " Your welcome, have a nice day."
Me and Josh held hands and continued walking through the mall. As we were walking my stomach growled, Josh quickly spots a Chik-fil-a and pulls me in to get me something else to eat, I ordered a chicken sandwich with fries and a sprite, Josh ordered a spicy chicken sandwich with fries and a coke. After we ordered, we sat down at a two person table, there was nobody there but us. When we were almost done eating, I looked to my right to see that there was that same guy from that one day at school, he was sitting at a one person table not eating anything.
I got up and said, "Let's go Josh, I have other things I want to get."
We threw our trash away and walked till I saw some good socks, P.j.'s, and a robe for my maw-maw. We payed for all that, and as we continued to walk I saw some jeans, a T-shirt, and cologne for my dad.
Me and Josh got in his warm car and drove off. I was relieved to be in the car with Josh and away from that guy, his new name is: The stalker.
There is the first two chapters of my first book that I want to try to get published and copied for EVERYBODY to read. Let me know what you think about these first two chapters please.